10 Reasons Why Some People Are Just Born To Travel

I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep… The need for Marco Polo and Columbus to discover and travel the world stems from the love of wonder. Wanderlust, as they called, is an actual phenomena. Come to think of it nomads were also travellers who moved constantly from one place to…

7 Movies That Inspire You To Travel

Bollywood is truly a wondrous place! From picturesque locations to eventful train journeys, we have seen it all thanks to our very own Bollywood films. And every once in a while, we have come across movies were the characters in film have often taken that trip which has changed their life forever. Yet in all…

25 Things You Must “Do” Before You Turn 25!!

The clocking is ticking and slowing and steadily you are the brink of the finish line; the prize is a step into a new year! You’re halfway through the most formative decade of your life. You don’t need all the answers, but you must keep asking questions. Everyone has a check list of the things they…